1 समाज मे स्वदेशी का प्रचार
प्रसार (Promotion
of Swdeshi)
2 प्रचार निरक्षर बच्चो के लिए
साक्षारता अभियान (Drop out children literacy programs)
3 हिन्दू धर्म का प्रचार प्रसार( To spread the teachings of Hindu Dharma)
4 जैविक खेती एवं कृषि उत्पादन का प्रसार एवं
परामर्श(Consultancy on Organic farming and self employment for
the rural youth)
5 किसानो का गौ आधारित सामाजिक
एवं आर्थिक विकास एवं आर्थिक विकास (To work on Cow-based
spirituo-socio-economic development of the villages)
voluntary organization registered under society registration act.. VSS is
dedicated to betterment of the society and people of India and promotion of
Swdeshi, organic farming Indian culture, Indian Education system, Child
Education, Indian traditions and HINDU Religion.
Swdeshi Thru VSS we are trying to establish the vision, ethics and dreams of
revolutionary like "Bhai Rejeev dixit ji". Thru Vikalp Sewa Sansthan
we are conducting Consultancy to the rural people for Organic Farming and
cow-based spirituo-socio-economic development of the villages.
is focused to spread our traditional education system in society. In order to
achieve our minimum literacy program for dropout and street children VSS is
organizing literacy programs in different areas by the help of volunteers.
religious objective is to spread the teachings of Hindu dharma at the gross
root level in Indian people. To help the youth and people to understand the
inventions, researches and the findings (which finally known as teachings of
Hindu Dharma) of Hindu religion in a scientific way..